(770) 594-8796
This list is a general list of information you should gather for Dan to complete your returns.
Not all items will apply to all clients.
If you do not have all of these documents at the time of drop off, you may need to send them to us once received.
Please e-mail any additional documentation to us at returns@danmcneelycpa.com or add them to your file.
You can also drop them off at the office at your convenience. If the office is closed, please utilize the mail drop-off slot found at the bottom of the door.
All W2's from employer(s)
Forms reporting any unemployment income you may have received
Forms 1099 - extra income you might have earned during the year
from banks, investment brokers, government agencies, contract employers, etc.
for dividends & interest earned
for any pension retirement income or IRA distributions
Forms 1098 from stock brokerage accounts
sometimes mailed in late February
Information on any stock sales made during the year
plus any information on your cost of the stocks you may have sold
cryptocurrency activity and year-end summary reports
Summary of any expenses and income you may have earned in any side business you operated during the year
Social Security cards
only for children born in 2022
Driver's License
only if you moved to Georgia this year
Last years return
only if it was prepared by someone other than Dan
Form 1095-A
only if you obtained medical insurance on the Obamacare Marketplace website
Form 1098-T
only if you paid college tuition for you or your children
usually the college will send you the form
Forms reporting any interest paid on student loans
Closing documents
only if you had real estate sales/purchases in 2022
usually just the settlement statement (front & back)
End-of-year receipts from churches, Goodwill, and other charities
End-of-year statement from mortgage or home equity loan
details the total interest paid along with the property tax amounts
Schedule K-1 for partnerships, corporations, and trusts
Name, address, & tax id number of child care providers
1098s from mortgage lenders
Home purchase / refinance documents, closing disclosure / settlement statements
Property / real estate taxes paid
Closing disclosure / settlement statements or HUDs for purchase
List of improvements and values
Summary of rent income received and expenses paid